Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"DEE" is for danger:

1. Choose which of the subsections of the article you found most interesting and answer the following questions:

a) In what way does their research contribute to the greater good?
This research contributes that animals do communicate with each other just like humans but, in different ways. it also contributes that we can understand what animals are saying but, with practice and studying.
b) What questions did the scientist pose that led to the research that s/he did?
The question that this scientist posed is "when birds varied their calls,did that indicate they were giving a different meaning to each message? 
c) What field of science does this fall into? (Biology, chemistry, physics, etc.?)
This article falls into Biology.

2. Select one of the scientists mentioned in the article, and write a letter to him/her. In the letter, include what you know about his/her research, what you found most fascinating and include a minimum of two well thought-out questions.

           Dear Dr. Chris Templeton ,

        I enjoyed reading your article "Dee is for danger". It was very fascinating and interesting. The most fascinating thing about the article was, how you tested the chickadees by using different kinds of animals that are predators to them and seeing how they will react. i wanted to ask, why did you pick the bird chickadee to test on? My other question is, does every animal's name come from what they say when they try to warn or communicate each other? Thank you for your time to read my letter.



1 comment:

  1. Dena,

    Decent responses. I like your response, "...we can understand what animals are saying but, with practice and studying".

    Your letter could be a bit better, I think. For example, rabbits are not named after sounds they make, nor are humans, owls, cows, horses, etc.

    grade: 90
