Friday, February 15, 2013

VDA #7


1.What is the benefit of checking feces (poop, scat, dung, droppings) for hormones versus checking the blood of the animal?
                The benefit of checking feces is it tells you important information about the species like about the animals travel, diet and health.

2. What four things can you learn from an organism's droppings?

             four things you can learn from an organism's droppings:
1. From what animal are the organism's droppings from.
2. The diet of the organism
3. The health of the organism
4. The animals travel

3. What hormone is produced when some animals are stressed or starving?

              GC, or glucocorticoid is the hormone that animals produce when stressed or starving.

4. What did the researchers conclude contributed to the higher stress in orcas and how did the scientists come to that conclusion?
           when the number of Chinook salmon, a favorite food, dropped, GC levels in the orca scat rose. Every august there was a large amount of fish dropped in the ocean.

5. Give two reasons why dung beetles climb atop the balls of dung.
            One reason is for them to eat peacefully. Another reason is for them to cool their feet.

6. What is the relationship between the Kakapo and the Hades flowers? In your answer, be sure to include how each species benefits the other.
     Kakapos have whiskerlike feathers just right for picking up pollen when they feed on a Hades blossom. When the parrots transferre that pollen from flower to flower, it would have pollinated the plant. Wood suspects kakapos could help the Hades flower thrive again.
7. Why is the Hades flower called "Hades" flower?
          The flower is named after a greek god,Hadas,who was the "God of the underworld", and the flower grows underground.


1.What is the benefit of checking feces (poop, scat, dung, droppings) for hormones versus checking the blood of the animal?
    The benefit of checking feces is it tells you important information about the species like about the animals travel, diet and health. If you only check the blood you only learn about the body and  ancestory.

4. What did the researchers conclude contributed to the higher stress in orcas and how did the scientists come to that conclusion?

    Around that time of august, GC levels in the whale poop dropped to their lowest levels, the team found. If the boats stressed the whales, then GC levels should have been high at that time  but it turns out that's not the case. Then Scientists thought  the number of Chinook salmon, a favorite food, dropped, GC levels in the orca scat rose. Every august there was a large amount of fish dropped in the ocean.

7. Why is the Hades flower called "Hades" flower?

The flower is named after a greek god,Hadas,who was the "God of the underworld", and the flower grows underground.